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Featured Press Release

Brattle Client Mattress Firm Prevails in FTC Challenge Against Merger with Tempur Sealy

In a proposed $5 billion merger between the world’s largest mattress supplier and the US’s largest retail mattress chain, a Brattle team led by Principal Dr. Jeremy Verlinda provided economic analyses and supported expert testimony on behalf of Mattress Firm regarding the competitive effects and procompetitive efficiencies that could arise from the planned merger.

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Interactive Feature

Ex Post and Ex Ante Standards in Damages

Brattle Principal Ben Sacks explains the ex post and ex ante approaches to calculating damages through two intuitive examples.


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Intellectual curiosity, a passion for principles, a strong team orientation, and respect for clients and colleagues are part of the Brattle DNA. We’re always seeking bright, collaborative professionals to join our team.


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“Brattle’s quantum reports and their explanation by Brattle’s experts during direct and cross-examination…were sound, solid, and convincing.”

Tribunal, Antin v. Spain