Christopher Wall
With more than ten years of experience as a financial and economic consultant in the energy industry, Mr. Wall specializes in regulatory economics for the electric, natural gas, and water utility sectors.
Mr. Wall has expertise in matters related to rate of return, cost of equity, capital structure, cost of service, and rate design. He has prepared expert testimony related to return on equity and capital structure in over 100 regulatory proceedings for electric, natural gas, and water utility clients across the US.
He has applied his economics, financial modeling, advanced statistics, and econometrics competencies to prepare rate design, rate consolidation, marginal cost, cost of service, valuation, and demand forecast studies for electric and natural gas utilities. These studies have been submitted in utility regulatory proceedings throughout North America.
Mr. Wall has provided expert testimony before regulatory commissions in Arkansas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and South Dakota on issues that include cost of capital, natural gas demand forecasting, and statistical concepts for return on equity and cost of service.
Prior to joining Brattle, Mr. Wall was an Assistant Vice President at an economic consulting firm.
Northeastern University
MA in Economics
Saint Peter’s University
BA in Economics and Mathematics
Direct and Rebuttal Testimony on Return on Equity and Capital Structure submitted to the New York State Public Service Commission on behalf of Corning Natural Gas Corporation, Case 21-G-0394.
Natural Gas Demand Forecast for an Integrated Resource Plan submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on behalf of the Berkshire Gas Company, D.P.U. 20-139.
Rebuttal Testimony on Statistical Concepts for Return on Equity and Class Cost of Service submitted to the Arkansas Public Service Commission on behalf of Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation, Docket No. 13-078-U.