Clifford G. Holderness
academic advisor
Carroll School of Management at Boston College
To contact Clifford Holderness, please email Abbie Munafo at Abbie.Munafo@brattle.com
Mr. Holderness is a Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College.
He was also previously Visiting Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and taught at the University of Rochester. His academic and consulting interests focus on corporate governance, with a special expertise on large-block shareholders in public corporations.
He has written on the pricing of large blocks of stock, the role of majority shareholders, the protection of minority shareholders, and the change in the level of managerial stock ownership. For his work on stock ownership, Mr. Holderness and his coauthors were awarded the Brattle Prize for the best paper on corporate finance published in the Journal of Finance in 1999. He also has published in the area of law and economics and in the area of property rights.
London School of Economics
MSc in Economics
Stanford University
JD and AB in Economics