Gerald A. Taylor
principal emeritus
Mr. Taylor’s areas of expertise include contract and market risks and incentives, antitrust and regulatory economics, and transition markets.
His consulting activities focus upon the petroleum, electric power, and transportation industries. Mr. Taylor provides assistance to clients in complex litigation and in developing responses to changes and challenges in markets and regulatory environments.
MIT Sloan School of Management, MS in Finance and Planning
University of Kansas, JD and BA in History
State of California, ex rel. Bill Lockyer, Attorney General of the State of California, Docket No. EL02-71-057 Complainant, v. British Columbia Power Exchange Corporation, Coral Power, LLC, Dynegy Power marketing, Inc., Enron Power Marketing, Inc., Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP, Reliant Energy Services, Inc., Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Company, All Other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services to the California Energy Resources Scheduling Division of the California Department of Water Resources, and All other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services into Markets Operated by the California Power Exchange and California Independent System Operator. Summary of Prepared Rebuttal Testimony on behalf of the California Parties, March 14, 2017.
State of California, ex rel. Bill Lockyer, Attorney General of the State of California, Docket No. EL02-71-057 Complainant, v. British Columbia Power Exchange Corporation, Coral Power, LLC, Dynegy Power marketing, Inc., Enron Power Marketing, Inc., Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP, Reliant Energy Services, Inc., Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Company, All Other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services to the California Energy Resources Scheduling Division of the California Department of Water Resources, and All other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services into Markets Operated by the California Power Exchange and California Independent System Operator. Prepared Direct Testimony on behalf of the California Parties, Part 1, Background of the California Energy Crisis; Prepared Direct Testimony on behalf of California Parties, Part 2, November 22, 2016.
Public Utilities Commission of the State of California v. Sellers of Long-term Contracts to the California Department of Water Resources. California Electricity Oversight Board v. Sellers of Energy and Capacity under Long-term Contracts with the California Department of Water Resources. Docket Nos. EL02-60-007 and EL02-62-006 (consolidated), Prepared Rebuttal Testimony on behalf of the California Parties, October 6, 2015.
Public Utilities Commission of the State of California v. Sellers of Long-term Contracts to the California Department of Water Resources. California Electricity Oversight Board v. Sellers of Energy and Capacity under Long-term Contracts with the California Department of Water Resources. Docket Nos. EL02-60-007 and EL02-62-006 (consolidated), Prepared Direct Testimony on behalf of the California Parties, Part 1, Background on the California Crisis and Its Impact on CDWR’s Entry into Long-Term Contracts with Shell and Iberdrola; Part 2, Shell and Iberdrola Long Term Contracts: Impact of Manipulation on Negotiations and Evidence of Burden, May 19, 2015.