Ian Sue Wing
academic advisor
Boston University
To contact Ian Sue Wing, please email Abbie Munafo at Abbie.Munafo@brattle.com
Dr. Sue Wing is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Boston University.
He specializes in integrated assessment of climate change, emissions trading under uncertainty, regional economic and emissions modeling, and induced technological change and environmental policy.
Dr. Sue Wing conducts research and teaching on the economic analysis of energy and environmental policy, with an emphasis on climate change and computational general equilibrium (CGE) analysis of economies’ adjustment to macroeconomic shocks. His current research includes investigation of the sources of long-run change in the energy intensity of the US economy; the theoretical and empirical performance of absolute versus intensity-based emission limits under economic and environmental uncertainties; the implications of trade-mediated international productivity spillovers for global carbon emissions and leakage; and the performance of different methods of representing endogenous technological change in CGE models for climate change policy analysis.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD in Technology, Management & Policy
Oxford University, MSc in Development Economics