Metin Celebi
Practice Leader: Electricity Litigation & Regulatory Disputes
Dr. Celebi is an expert in electricity markets, resource planning, and the analysis of environmental and climate policy.
He has assisted clients in the areas of electricity litigation and regulatory disputes, including on the economic viability of coal-fired and nuclear power plants, wholesale power pricing, and market design. Dr. Celebi has also analyzed federal and state climate policies, environmental regulations, the role of hydrogen in reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, generation plant valuation, and transmission cost allocation.
Dr. Celebi has provided expert testimony in a number of cases before the Supreme Court of the United States, district courts, and federal and state energy regulatory agencies. His testimonies have covered topics including the compliance burden of federal environmental regulations; economic damages in energy contract disputes; transmission cost allocation; excessive charges in long-term power contracts; causes of locational marginal price (LMP) spikes in PJM; and the allocation of ancillary services costs among market participants in ERCOT. He has also consulted and testified on matters related to coal plants, the recovery of undepreciated past investments, and the impact of coal plant retirements on wholesale energy prices.
Boston College
PhD in Economics
Bilkent University
MA in Economics
METU, Turkey
BSc in Industrial Engineering
Hebrew University
Summer School in Economic Theory on Auctions and Market Design
Metin enjoys playing basketball and billiards on occasion and practices playing reed flute (ney) with his friends.

Clean Hydrogen Industry
Hydrogen (H2) is gaining significant attention as a low-carbon alternative fuel or energy carrier that can help achieve economy-wide decarbonization mandates.
Learn moreTestimony
Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, prepared direct testimony on behalf of the California Parties re: whether the prices in the long-term power contract executed in May 2001 between Shell and CDWR are unjust and unreasonable, and the appropriate amount of refunds to CDWR, Docket Nos. EL02-60-015, 018 and EL02-62-014, 017 (November 15, 2024).
Before the Suffolk County Superior Court, expert report on behalf of the member institutions of Longwood Medical Energy Collaborative Inc. (LMEC) re: electricity pricing terms in utilities contracts between the LMEC members and MATEP LLC, and financial performance of MATEP over time, Case Nos. 2384-CV-01373, 2384-CV-01376, 2384-CV-01379, 2384-CV-01381, 2384-CV-01382, and 2384-CV-01385 (November 7, 2024).
Before American Arbitration Association, report on behalf of Peabody COALSALES, LLC re: economic damages from an alleged breach of contract, and projected economic viability of a coal-fired power plant to operate during the term of the contract (November 1, 2024).
Before the District Court Clark County, Nevada, expert report on behalf of Townsite Solar LLC re: reduction in financial exposure to spot wholesale power prices as a result of a power purchase contract involving a solar and battery storage facility in Nevada (October 4, 2024).