Wulf Kaal
outside expert
To contact Wulf Kaal, please email Abbie Munafo at Abbie.Munafo@brattle.com
Dr. Kaal is a Professor of Law at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and a leading expert at the intersection of law, business, and technology – with a focus on emerging technology applications.
Dr. Kaal’s proprietary datasets and research concentrate on emerging technology, innovation, digital assets, smart contracts, initial coin offerings (ICOs), dynamic regulatory methods, hedge funds, and corporate finance. A noted author and speaker, he has published widely on blockchain innovation in law and corporate governance and he speaks regularly at leading conferences and educational institutions around the world.
In addition to his academic work, Dr. Kaal advises international policymakers, established corporations, startups, and venture capital funds on emerging technology solutions in FinTech and LegalTech. Dr. Kaal has extensive experience serving as an expert witness, a litigation consultant, and a FINRA arbitrator.
Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, PhD in Law & Economics
University of Illinois, College of Law, JD and LLM
Durham University, MBA with distinction