Future of Gas Utilities Symposium
What is the Future of Gas Utilities Symposium?
The natural gas utility industry is facing increased uncertainty and risk in the current environment of decarbonizing the energy sector. With approximately $150–180 billion of unrecovered gas distribution infrastructure at risk, gas utilities will need to organize and become proactive and innovative participants in a clean energy transition. The Future of Gas Utilities Symposium will explore the role natural gas utilities can play in the transition to a decarbonized future.
Why should I attend?
Drawing from the topics covered in Brattle’s Future of Gas Utilities Series, the symposium will feature experts from across the US. They will explore the risks and opportunities facing natural gas utilities, examine strategies for navigating the transition to clean energy, and discuss the implementation of regulatory pathways and changes to traditional business models.
View the Recordings and Materials
Learn How to Successfully Transition to a Clean Energy System
The natural gas utility industry is facing increased uncertainty and risk in the current environment of decarbonizing the energy sector. The Future of Gas Utilities series outlines the key challenges and opportunities facing the gas industry, and aims to help gas and combination utilities navigate the natural gas transition in a fiscally and socially responsible way.
We are continuously adding speakers to our event. Be sure to check back regularly or sign up for the event to stay informed about our guests.

Tess CountsSenior Research AnalystThe Brattle Group |

Josh FigueroaAssociateThe Brattle Group |

Frank C. GravesPrincipalThe Brattle Group |

Michael HagertySENIOR ASSOCIATEThe Brattle Group |

Veronica IrastorzaPrincipalThe Brattle Group |

Long LamAssociateThe Brattle Group |

Kasparas SpokasAssociateThe Brattle Group |

Dave SundingPresident & PrincipalThe Brattle Group |

Mallik AngalakudatiSenior Vice PresidentWGL |

Jay BalasbasCommissionerWashington Utilities and Transportation Commission |

Diane X. BurmanCommissionerNew York State Public Service Commission |

Gregory CaldwellDirector, Utility Hydrogen StrategyATCO Gas |

Stephen CaldwellVice PresidentFuture of Heat, National Grid |

Barbara ChapmanSenior DirectorFitch Ratings |

Megan GilmanCommissionerColorado Public Utilities Commission |

Mark KahrerSenior Vice PresidentRegulatory Affairs, Marketing and Energy Efficiency, New Jersey Natural Gas |

Natalie KarasSenior Director & Lead CounselEnvironmental Defense Fund |

Suedeen G. KellyPartnerJenner & Block LLP |

Robin LanierRenewable Gas DirectorSouthern Company Gas |

Andy LubershaneSr. Vice President, Research & StrategyEnergy Impact Partners |

Despina NiehausDirector of Strategic PlanningSoCalGas |

John QuackenbushPresidentJQ Resources |
Day One
12:00–12:15 p.m. EST
Opening Remarks by Dave Sunding, President & Principal, The Brattle Group
Join us for the introduction of the Future of Gas Utilities Symposium.
Introductory Session: Natural Gas’ Changing Landscape
12:15–12:45 p.m. EST
Presented by Frank Graves | Principal, The Brattle Group
This session will lay the groundwork for the symposium and will discuss at a high level how and why the role of natural gas is changing. Topics will include the key challenges and questions facing the industry, such as the size and pace of potential stranded costs, as well as changes in the natural gas landscape, such as natural gas bans, reach codes, and Non-Pipeline Alternatives rules. The session will also address the need for long-term solutions, new tools, regulations, and metrics to manage the natural gas transition.
Panel 1: How are Gas Utilities Anticipating the Push to Electrify?
12:45–1:45 p.m. EST
Andy Lubershane, Sr. Vice President, Research & Strategy, Energy Impact Partners
Gregory Caldwell, Director, Utility Hydrogen Strategy, ATCO Gas
Diane Burman, Commissioner, New York State Public Service CommissionModerated by Michael Hagerty, Senior Associate, The Brattle Group
What is the timeline for and extent of the electrification transition, and what are the critical success factors for natural gas utilities to manage the transition? Panelists will discuss the pace of potential loss in the gas industry if electrification goals are achieved, and the role that clean fuel may play in a deeply decarbonized world.
1:45–2:00 p.m. EST
Panel 2: Assessing Risk & Opportunities
2:00–3:00 p.m. EST
Mallik Angalakudati, Senior Vice President – Strategy and Innovation, WGL
John Quackenbush, President, JQ Resources
Barbara Chapman, Senior Director, Fitch RatingsModerated by Josh Figueroa, Associate, The Brattle Group
How will the changing role of natural gas affect gas utilities? The panel will discuss the risks and opportunities facing gas utilities as a result of decarbonization, and why it is imperative to be proactive now to manage this transition. Panelists will also address social justice considerations.
Closing Remarks
3:00–3:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks by Veronica Irastorza, Principal, The Brattle Group
A wrap up of the day’s topics and a look ahead to Day Two: Potential Solutions
Day Two
12:00–12:10 p.m. EST
Opening Remarks by Tess Counts, Senior Research Analyst, The Brattle Group
Welcome and review of Day One’s content
Panel 3: Strategies to Transition Gas Utilities to a Decarbonized Future
12:10–1:10 p.m. EST
Natalie Karas, Senior Director and Lead Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund
Stephen Caldwell, Vice President, Future of Heat, National Grid
Robin Lanier, Renewable Gas Director, Southern Company GasModerated by Kasparas Spokas, Associate, The Brattle Group
This panel will discuss how gas utilities can successfully navigate the transition to a decarbonized future, from strategies to grow business while decarbonizing to the regulatory frameworks that enable them. Panelists will discuss which strategies are possible in the near term, as well as how utilities’ unique position to plan and implement large infrastructure transitions could best be harnessed to enable the transition.
Keynote Presentation: Federal Government Policies on Decarbonization
1:10–1:55 p.m. EST
Presented by Suedeen G. Kelly, Partner, Jenner & Block LLP
Details coming soon.
1:55–2:10 p.m. EST
Panel 4: Implementation of Regulatory Frameworks and Strategies
2:10–3:15 p.m. EST
Jay Balasbas, Commissioner, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
Megan Gilman, Commissioner, Colorado Public Utilities Commission
Mark Kahrer, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Marketing and Energy Efficiency, New Jersey Natural Gas
Despina Niehaus, Director of Strategic Planning, SoCalGasModerated by Long Lam, Associate, The Brattle Group
What steps do gas utilities need to take today to put the strategies into action? This panel will focus on the regulatory pathways and changes to the traditional business model, including energy efficiency incentives, performance-based ratemaking (PBR), and decoupling. Panelists will also address how regulation and legislation may need to change to allow gas utilities to participate.
Closing Remarks
3:15–3:30 p.m. EST
Closing Remarks by Frank Graves, Principal, The Brattle Group
Thanks for joining our symposium!
We hope to see you there!
Register for Day 1 Register for Day 2
If you have any questions about the event, please contact events@brattle.com.