Brattle Principals Recognized in Public Utilities Fortnightly 2019 Fortnightly Under Forty
Brattle Principals Ryan Hledik and Sanem Sergici have been recognized in the Public Utilities Fortnightly 2019 Fortnightly Under Forty. The “Under Forties” are the next generation of up-and-comers in the energy industry from utilities, commissions, consultancies, and other companies.
Mr. Hledik specializes in regulatory and planning matters related to the emergence of distributed energy technologies. He has consulted for more than 50 clients across 30 states and eight countries, supporting clients in matters related to energy storage, load flexibility, distributed generation, electrification, retail tariff design, energy efficiency, and grid modernization. He was a contributing author in the November 2018 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly.
Dr. Sergici is an expert in electricity markets and applied econometrics, with a focus on assisting electric utilities, regulators, market operators, and technology firms in their strategic questions related to energy efficiency, demand response, distributed generation, and understanding behavior of electricity prosumers. She was a contributing author in the November 2017 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly.
The full Fortnightly Under Forty List can be found on the Public Utilities Fortnightly website.