Brattle Economists Review the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan for the Office of Public Accountability
Prepared for the City of Los Angeles's Office of Public Accountability/Ratepayer Advocate
Brattle has been supporting the City of Los Angeles’s Office of Public Accountability/Ratepayer Advocate (OPA/RPA) in monitoring and reviewing the LA Department of Water and Power’s future planning studies. Most recently, Brattle reviewed LADWP’s latest Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan (SLTRP) that focused on three different paths to achieve 100% greenhouse gas -free power generation by 2035.
The Brattle team’s analysis focused mainly on the rate impacts of the three different paths. They also provided recommendations for future SLTRPs, including:
- Distinguish scenarios (how the future world evolves) and approaches (actionable items by LADWP)
- Clarify the purpose and design of scenarios and sensitivities
- Clarify underlying assumptions, their purpose, and model behavior
- Improve future processes and involve LADWP subject matter experts from outside the SLTRP team
The full report, “Review of the LADWP 2022 Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan,” was coauthored by Principal T. Bruce Tsuchida and Energy Specialist Sylvia Tang.
Past reports for the LA OPA/RPA include: