June 30, 2020
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board: Time-Varying Pricing Project Submission
Prepared for the Nova Scotia Power
This submission marks a milestone in the development of Nova Scotia Power Inc.’s (NS Power, Company) use of tariffs as a tool for providing customers with a choice of time differentiated pricing signals to support their desire to reduce their electricity costs. The implementation of Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) in combination with Time-Varying Pricing (TVP) will allow customers to track and manage their consumption across the day and throughout the year to better align their electricity usage with their financial and lifestyle objectives.
This submission presents NS Power’s initial findings and recommendations concerning the introduction of TVP with respect to:
- The initial TVP proposed tariff offerings; a Critical Peak Pricing Tariff and a Time-of-Use Tariff.
- Updated peak and off-peak periods to focus customer demand reduction on the periods of greatest monthly and daily load peaks and highest marginal cost for the NS Power system.
- Recommended time of use and critical peak pricing applicable to the Residential, Small General and General Demand classes.
- Calculation of the forecast demand reduction effect of these tariffs and the customer bill and revenue effects of the programs across various pricing ratios.
- Recommendations concerning customer engagement and initial pilot design if this is determined desirable by stakeholders and the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (Board, NSUARB).