Toward 100% Carbon-Free Electricity: How the Regional Electricity Market Can Evolve to Help Washington, DC Achieve Its Energy and Climate Change Goals
Prepared for the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment
Washington, DC leads the nation in its commitment to achieve a 100% renewable power supply mix by 2032 and 100% economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality by 2050. The District’s Clean Energy DC plan has identified rapid elimination of GHG emissions from the power grid as a central and critical component of its decarbonization strategy. The electricity sector is the source of 55% of total District GHG emissions; reducing these emissions through investments in energy efficiency and renewable power together make up the majority of the emissions reductions anticipated between now and 2032.2 A 100% clean electricity supply mix is also required to deliver GHG reductions through electrification of transportation and building energy uses.
The broad scope of policy reforms required to achieve 100% clean energy on the District’s accelerated timeframe will alter nearly every aspect of how electricity supply is developed, operated, and delivered to the District. The Clean Energy DC plan includes substantial expansion of energy efficiency, demand response, local solar, and other distributed resources. Further, deliveries of power from the bulk system must be fully decarbonized to ensure GHG neutrality.