August 27, 2024
New Brattle Coauthored Report Recommends Additional Generator Interconnection Reforms
Prepared by Brattle and Grid Strategies LLC
In a new report prepared with Grid Strategies LLC, Brattle experts recommend a number of reforms to generator interconnection, which is the process of connecting new, large-scale energy resources transmission grids.
The report, “Unlocking America’s Energy: How to Efficiently Connect New Generation to the Grid,” calls for new approaches to interconnection that can move new generation projects that are more efficient, move more quickly to completion, and provide cost certainty upfront.
Specific reforms proposed in the report include:
- Providing upfront cost certainty by adopting an “entry fee” – paid by interconnecting resources – that reflects the actual cost of transmission upgrades needed to accommodate the interconnection of those resources.
- Implementing fast-track processes to quickly utilize existing and pre-planned interconnection capacity.
- Further optimizing the interconnection study process to identify the available headroom on the system, increase study efficiency, and remove unnecessary barriers.
- Speeding up transmission project construction.
The full report and the Advanced Energy United press release can be found below.