James D. Reitzes
Washington, DC
Dr. Reitzes specializes in providing economic analysis, damage estimates, and testimony for antitrust litigation, arbitration matters, and other types of litigation.
He also provides expert analysis and testimony in regulatory proceedings involving the energy and transportation sectors before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), state public utility commissions, and the US Department of Transportation.
A former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) economist, Dr. Reitzes has provided economic analyses in litigation and regulatory proceedings in the US, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. He has performed analyses on behalf of the European Commission, the Canadian Competition Bureau, and various US government agencies.
On several occasions, Dr. Reitzes has assessed liability and damages in matters of alleged price fixing affecting industries and products as diverse as carpet, cardboard packaging, vitamins, carbon graphite, air transportation, and ocean shipping. He also has provided analyses of “artificial pricing” in cases of alleged market manipulation.
Dr. Reitzes has offered economic assessments of the competitive impacts of horizontal and vertical mergers in presentations to the FTC and the US Department of Justice. He has submitted several economic analyses pursuant to antitrust immunity filings by airline alliances, including those by the oneworld, Star, and SkyTeam alliances.
In addition, Dr. Reitzes has been the independent manager of numerous competitive procurements and sales undertaken by electric power companies, including recent procurements and sales of energy and capacity, transmission capacity rights, and renewable energy credits. In the energy sector, he has provided economic analysis and testimony related to asset valuation, risk management, power procurement strategies, the development of competitive retail power markets, and regulatory strategy.
Dr. Reitzes has written several articles on firm strategies with respect to pricing, quality, R&D investment, and merger behavior, published in leading economic and legal journals such as the ABA Antitrust Law Journal, The Antitrust Bulletin, International Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, the Canadian Journal of Economics, the Journal of Regulatory Economics, and the Review of Network Economics.
University of Wisconsin, PhD in Economics
Stanford University, BA in Economics and History
Expert Report submitted to the Federal Court of Australia (New South Wales), 2019, in the matter of Alister Dalton and another v. Volkswagen AG and another, providing an econometric analysis that assessed the impact on resale prices for affected VW vehicles related to the disclosure of the “diesel emissions issue.”
Expert Report and Testimony before the North Carolina Utilities Commission (Docket. Nos. E-2 Sub 1095, E-7 Sub 1100, and G-9 Sub 682), 2016, on behalf of Duke Energy, relating to an analysis of potential market power issues and the potential for competitive harm associated with the acquisition by Duke Energy of Piedmont Natural Gas, as it applies to the combination of electric and retail gas activities and the transport and delivery of natural gas.
Numerous Expert Reports and Testimony before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (2008–2015) on behalf of several local utilities, which included Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, and West Penn Power Company. The substance of the reports included:
- Describing the risks and costs associated with alternative procurement methods for obtaining electric power supplies to serve default service customers;
- Analyzing the desirability of meeting default service obligations through auctions to obtain full-requirements power supplies;
- Estimating the magnitude of the pricing and volumetric risk premium associated with past default service procurements; and,
- Describing the design, execution, and results of multiple RFP processes for procuring solar photovoltaic alternative energy credits managed by James D. Reitzes and The Brattle Group, including providing a benchmarking of the procurement results against current short-term prices and expected long-term prices for solar alternative energy credits (based on a proprietary financial model).
Report and Testimony before the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC Docket No. 2014-76-1), 2014, on behalf of the Canadian Competition Bureau analyzing market power in the wireless market, including an analysis of industry profitability, an assessment of the impact on prices, market shares, profits, consumer surplus, and market penetration arising from the entry of an additional nationwide carrier, and an analysis of the cost impact for incumbent carriers arising from proposed changes in spectrum availability that would facilitate additional entry.