Dr. van den Heuvel specializes in the analysis of economic issues in international arbitration and court litigations.

His primary expertise is in the financing of the energy transition, particularly of innovative clean technologies. Dr. van den Heuvel’s research, published in peer-reviewed academic journals such as Energy Economics, has garnered recognition from policymakers. Notably, two of his papers were cited in the Council of Economic Advisors’ 2024 Economic Report of the President in the chapter on “Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition.” He earned his PhD from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he also taught master’s classes in econometrics.

Previously, Dr. van den Heuvel worked as an economist for a private bank and the World Trade Organization (WTO).


École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
PhD, Economics

Geneva Graduate Institute
MA, International Economics

University of Geneva
BA, International Relations (major in Economics)

