In a new white paper prepared for PacifiCorp, Brattle experts analyze differences in the market designs for the two proposed day-ahead markets in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), the Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) and Markets+.

The white paper focuses on the impact on market outcomes and customer savings due to the design differences between the two proposed markets and offers WECC stakeholders evidence on how, going forward, each market design can be improved to enhance the customer benefits of these markets. The authors find that the minor differences between the market designs for EDAM and Markets+ are unlikely to materially change customer savings from market participation. Numerous other studies, including several conducted by Brattle experts, find that customer savings due to market participation are driven by the transmission connectivity between market members and the diversity of load and generation resources across the market footprint.

The white paper, “The Proposed Day-Ahead Markets in the WECC: A Comparative Assessment of EDAM and Markets+ Design Features,” was authored by Principal John Tsoukalis, Energy Research Associate Oleksandr Kuzura, Principal Johannes Pfeifenberger, and Senior Consultant Dr. Kai Van Horn.

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