Nicholas E. Powers
Washington, DC
Dr. Powers specializes in conducting econometric and economic analysis and applying concepts from industrial organization and regulatory economics to competition, regulatory, and other litigation matters.
Dr. Powers frequently provides economic analysis of cartel behavior, and assessment of liability and damages in matters concerning alleged collusion. He also has experience analyzing the competitive effects of proposed mergers and exclusionary practices. Additionally, he conducts similar econometric work in antitrust and regulatory matters in the electric, postal, transportation, and other industries.
In regulatory proceedings, Dr. Powers has extensive experience conducting analysis for and submitting expert reports that often involve regulatory costing or rate-making issues. This includes extensive analysis of regression-based costing models and other economic issues in the postal industry, econometric analysis of the load impacts of innovative pricing programs in the electric industry, and rate of return analysis in the telecommunications industry. He has also acted as both an independent evaluator and an advisor to several procurement processes in the electricity sector, involving renewable energy, transmission capacity, and other energy products.
Dr. Powers also has varied experience in the electricity industry. This includes conducting damages assessments in litigation matters and analyses of price effects, market power, and anticompetitive behavior in several litigation proceedings arising from the California electricity crisis of 2000–2001. He has also analyzed the cost and feasibility of renewables-only energy portfolios.
University of Michigan, PhD in Business Economics
Cornell University, BS in Applied Economics and Management
Personal Interests
Nick is a member of the American Economic Association. He lives in Washington, DC with his wife and two children and is an avid traveler, soccer fan, and music fan.